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About Udalguri Polytechnic

Udalguri Polytechnic was established in the year 2020. It is one amongst the 5 newly established polytechnics in the state of Assam and is situated at Bhergaon in the district of Udalguri, BTAD, Assam. 

The campus covers an area of 19.84 Acres land. It is about 15 km away from Tangla Railway station and 5 km from Khorabari Railway station. 

The academic program of Udalguri Polytechnic started from October 2020 and currently offers 3 years full time Diploma in Civil Engineering, Food processing Technology and Mechanical Engineering  under Directorate of Technical Education (DTE), Assam with an intake capacity of 60 per branches. All branches are approved by AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education) New Delhi vide F.No. Eastern /2020-21/1-4682846711 Dated 15-Jun-2020.

From the Principal's Desk

It gives me great pleasure to introduce Udalguri Polytechnic as one of the India’s upcoming premier polytechnic institute in Assam.

Education is the most powerful tool, capable of bringing the positive aptitude in the individual. In this competitive global scenario it is necessary to prepare the students to meet new challenges to enhance their career. Udalguri Polytechnic was established in the year 2020.

The institute has achieved a good rank among the Udalguri Polytechnic of Assam very soon and maintained a high quality standard of technical education.

Technical Education is the backbone of every nation and is the stepping stone for a country to move into the niche of a developed nation

 Mr. Kulendra Ch. Boro

College Photos

Photo Gallery

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Learn more about the features and facilities provided by Udalguri Polytechnic, Assam. The college offers a big  Computer Centre, library,  hotel, workshop for students and many more.

Computer Centre

The institute has a well-equipped Computer Centre (CC) with latest configured Desktop Personal Computers (PCs) spread over two units of laboratories supported by high-end servers and a host of latest software packages.


This Polytechnic is rich in General Books, Learning Resources Centre (LRC), Reference Books besides books related to current syllabus of Director of Technical Education, Assam


In campus hostel facility is there separately for girls and boys. Construction is going on


Some of our best teachers and presenters are enthusiasts first and experts second. A workshop run by teacher whose ex-pertise is only a step or two ahead of the participants can be fun and illuminating


Contact Us

The college is easily reachable from the Udalguri city which has 24 x 7 connectivity from major cities including from Guwahati to Udalguri which is just 85kms.

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